Tuesday, May 26, 2015

How It Feels To Be a Twin!

                       For a long time I have been asked a lot of laughable yet serious questions surrounding on being a twin. For example one that comes out a lot is "Which is the oldest? and You guys fight at all?" I respond "No actually we don't" surprisingly it makes me wonder why they ask that specific question. Remembering this question and countless of others considering how it feels like to be a twin? or even simple like is it true you guys can read each others minds. Although I do suppose people ask these question because there curious while I just feel my twin is just a sister that I love so dearly to with any sibling would. True we do have a "special" bond to the fact we share everything with each other and dark secrets.                                                                                         
                                Honestly if me and my sister do get separated from a long distance like if she was at home and I was at school I go into "panic" mode. Wondering is she is okay? is she even wondering about me? and then I feel she is in danger even though I know she isn't at all! After all that I feel lonely so in a way we do have a special bond. Also the reactions we get with random strangers walking up the street to driving I remembered this one time we were walking to the bus stop and a random guy said "WOAH! You guys are twins?!? I thought I was high!" and went on his way to the opposite direction. Made us laugh hard another time another guy said "Oh cool! you guys are twins!" and simple smiled we just responded "yes we are" and went on our way laughing. Even people driving put the window down and a woman said if we were twins although it was in a red light.
                              Being a twin has it's up's and down's depending on the situation or topic you are in I enjoy them very much. Students also ask "You guys should switch classes one day!" we answer " No we might get in trouble.." all in all I'm very happy I have someone in my life someone who gets me and loves me no matter what also to share it with!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Found Poem

A mad women hollering and sobbing at night unknowing her sight describing “FIRE FIRE! Look over there!” on and on.                                                                                                                                                                                   Men tired, children hungry hearing this mad women’s cry at night almost mad by her screams teeing her up and gagging to be at ease. Until their destination was meet in “Auschwitz”.                                                                                                                                                          Once arrived terrified screams came once again only this times it wasn’t the mad woman but others saying “Jews Look! Look through the window! Flames look!” If the mute button was activated the mad women stood there silent unmoving.                                                                                                                                                       Looking at the flames smelling rotting flesh unknowingly black smoke was there destination now.                                                                                                                                                                             Selection came a piece of advice arose to run like if the devil was chasing you! To see if your fit for work and healthy as possible.

Friday, March 13, 2015

R.L Stine "Calling Waiting"

Calling Waiting
                         In this book it tells about horror, betrayal, and shocked in one book!                                                                                                                                                                                             This story all begins in a high school a regular normal girl (who we all know she won't have a normal life for long..) her name is Karen. She had it all a boyfriend who loved her, friends who also love her and NEVER back stab her in any way and a family that cares for her. Obviously she has some typical teen problems though this isnt all about just a typical teen problem it's about her boyfriend Ethan his name. You see there is a flirtatious person (Wendy) who has her sights on Karen's Boyfriend who we later find out this isn't the case at all! Although back to the story and making things worse Karen is getting threatening phone calls that tell her 'I Know where you Live" and "I'll be at your house then kill you" frightening right? Nevertheless she speaks out on what's happening to her on the threatening phone calls when the family and Karen's boyfriend found out it was all a made up. Karen finds herself in a world of hurt and more drama to deal with her plan was to make up the calls so Ethan would still be together with her not breaking up. Suddenly Karen finds herself with real phone calls but this time no one believes her on it. What makes it worse her family thinks she lost it and wants to help poor Karen's mind. So it's up to Karen to find out who is making this threatening disturbing calls. When her final call began she heard something that made her blood stop and knew who it was right away. She drove to the culprits house not thinking what to do or say to her. Yes it's a her when she arrived though she opened the door and saw her back turned facing the wall not noticing Karen coming in. She was so hurt and confused that she screamed Micah (her best friend...not anymore xD) and Micah gasped and dropped the phone she was holding on to and talking to. Karen wanted to know why would you do this to me? I thought you were my friend!! Micah smirked and explain the whole plan on why she did it and the main reason for all this was to get Ethan to be together with her. Micah wanted Ethan all by herself and have Karen be all alone after hearing this Karen was so mad at Micah that she charged at her the both girls wrestled to the ground and Micah got the upper hand got a poker (from her fireplace) and said to Karen "Ethan is mine now!" and stuck the hot poker in Karen's heart! Not so fast although Karen's sweater got a hole from the poker and didn't get hurt at all! Micah noticed and tried to hurt Karen again with a lamp then Ethan appeared and grabbed Micah wrist and she released it with no resist and hug Ethan saying " Oh Ethan Karen came in here she heard voice telling her to kill me.....we must help her we must find her some help!" Ethan said "Ok Micah..........Okay Micah that's enough of your lieing" Micah was confused and dumbfounded! Karen was weak and Ethan grabbed Karen's waist to help her up Micah saw this and sob in defeat. In the end Karen and Ethan were together and she has her normal life again!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Nuclear Power Essay

           Nuclear Power is a debatable subject to discuss about and wither or not you are for it and against it. We all know nuclear power is a resourceful way to give us energy (electricity). In my opinion I'm for it it's useful for us.                                                                      For starters it doesn't cause Global Warming at all so no worries how it "destroys" the earth. It emits low CO2 by saying this it's safe to say that it doesn't harm the environment in anyway. As i research on the Pros and Cons came across a Pro statement stating "Nuclear Power does not produce green house gases" (ClearPictureOnline.com). Which green house gases are harmful for the environment.                                                                                            There are myths about how nuclear power plants have a risking problem. Makes us worry even more as well as scared although it's not true at all. What is true is the cost problem here not the "risk" even though it is true but mostly the cost. In a article that was very interesting "Safety is certainly a critical issue, as the tragedy in Japan makes clear, However, so far the death toll from the current nuclear crisis in Japan is zero" (By Veronique de Rugy March 25, 2011). This quote from the article says it all that even if there was a risk it's not necessary to worry as much.                           Must point out that saying that quote will start up an argument. Which brings another reason to built a Power Plant i gave evidence that we should built one. It is also not an alternative for fossil fuel at all. Fossil fuel makes no difference then Power Plants combined. Don't let fear rule your decision to built the Nuclear Plant.  

Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Vitural Life~

            In the virtual world many opportunities can come across especially business. In the real world we as people would like to impress others and show successful lives. Although for that to actually work out is really hard to achieve. In the virtual world you somehow atomically feel accepted by others and build our "perfect" characteristics. We feel that the more you build up your character the more you feel pleased with yourself in a way. In the real life you feel pressured and not really accepted at all with society for instance school. Going to school is like a community it give you a chance to talk to your classmates and basically socialize but some aren't good at "socializing" at all.
                     That's why they go virtual world because somehow  they know their is a unknown community that will accept you gladly and warmly. There is someone or somewhere you can talk to nonstop to an unknown person or a person you known over the internet. The person who can't socialize in school or anywhere else goes to the internet and feel at ease and without hesitation talk to a person they know online. They rather prefer online life then there boring unexciting typical real life. Even though they never saw the person in real life they just feel safe it's a hard way to describe it.
               Besides that another point is when online can be a business! That bring millions of dollars like for example Facebook, Snap Chat, and Skype! That's where mostly ever teenager goes to  interact with others and have a great time including other online apps and websites that I haven't mention. Teenagers mostly go on these websites to not deal with problems in their lives and even though it's simply just 4 hours or 1 hour to them it feels like amazing way to escape at least for a few hours.                          
                          In my experience myself  going online and click away having fun not wanting to end. Although I must have to log off eventually doing my homework and such. Though this brings me people who can't be social at all due to illness or injury their at the hospital. Some patients want human contact but can't get it at all so their best way to communicate is by using social media.This bring my conclusion that the internet will keep growing and growing and we shall depend on it often.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


 This story is all about me and how I made myself to be until now born in a settle environment and very pleasant state. Learning my surroundings I have something very interesting about me if I can say so myself! To start off I have a twin who in reality are very amazing and she inspires me to do things I can't normally do. I also have a brother who is older then us he is very great at times and so many other brothers they tease their sisters so I guess we can all sister's relate to this. Lastly, but never the least cause I love her my mother who taught me everything i needed to know in life thanks to her I got use to living here and gave me advice when i needed it in hard times and even sad times. Also I obviously have a dad but, I cant really describe him cause I don't know how to anyway thankfully I got anything I wanted or needed in life.

For me the most struggling subject I have right now is Chemistry cause it requires studying by that department I'm never good at although my strongest subject must be Digital Imaging right now anyway I've learn so many new stuff that I can actually use in the future impressing my friends and family members! Oh also I forgot to mention I have a lovely adorable bunny named "Milk" my mom named it very funny. Also my family is Hispanic and even though I was raised as Hispanic Heritage background I really don't know much about it so everyday is a new experience and learning something new.

  My favorite quote I live by is "A goal without a plan is just a Wish" - Unknown these words remind me I need plans in order to succeed my goals in life. In the future I will like to be a lawyer or a chef both I really love to do and enjoy. Still figuring out I'm never sure to what to expect what faith has in store for me and my family or friends everything surprise me one way or another! Also I'll like to say I'm a very funny, silly, child-hearten person I always love to help others and love to see people's smiling faces it brings beauty to their faces and I enjoy it too a lot. To this day I want to learn more things and new memories I'll treasure always till then I have friends and family to support me and my decisions.Thanks to all who are dear to my heart and always support me along my journey of life.


Having reading this statement by Jozui stating how marketing uses celebrities they tell the audience how lovely the products is. Which it is true we know its a horrible product but, knowing this info we still buy it and enjoy it as much as they do.

By reading this quote "The audience is expected to transfer approval of the celebrity to approval of the product". In my opinion it's true what she is saying we can't sometimes buy a certain brand just cause a celebrity showcase it. For me I see the product as a "must have" looking at it all lovely but I don't buy it knowing it will be useless to me afterwards. It's like manipulating me by their product showing how good and amazing it is.

Even Jozui said "Am I going to buy a newest SUV because an attractive talk-show host gets paid to pretend he drives one?" Clearly he is upset or mad saying this due to the fact he doesn't want the product to be faked out and promising good impressions only on TV. Although I get his reasoning even though they aren't you to buy it or be knowledge by society with that certain product. They are just doing there job by there agents they don't actually mean to its just a job.

Even though the products aren't wonderful and amazing as they are seen on TV but, Jozui also stated "I don't think so we should boycott this kind of advertising and legislate rules and guidelines for advertisers." I personally don't agree on this statement sure it's not telling the truth about the product and how it really is but, that's there job and they have to do it even though they also disagree or hate the product itself. What will happen if they boycott and officially banned this thanks to this boycott there won't be any jobs for them and they nothing more then just famous people. At least let the celebrities tell the truth about the product and how it really works for you after u buy it and all. SO the people won't feel ripped off and were lie to they deserve to know the truth about it.