Friday, February 20, 2015

Nuclear Power Essay

           Nuclear Power is a debatable subject to discuss about and wither or not you are for it and against it. We all know nuclear power is a resourceful way to give us energy (electricity). In my opinion I'm for it it's useful for us.                                                                      For starters it doesn't cause Global Warming at all so no worries how it "destroys" the earth. It emits low CO2 by saying this it's safe to say that it doesn't harm the environment in anyway. As i research on the Pros and Cons came across a Pro statement stating "Nuclear Power does not produce green house gases" ( Which green house gases are harmful for the environment.                                                                                            There are myths about how nuclear power plants have a risking problem. Makes us worry even more as well as scared although it's not true at all. What is true is the cost problem here not the "risk" even though it is true but mostly the cost. In a article that was very interesting "Safety is certainly a critical issue, as the tragedy in Japan makes clear, However, so far the death toll from the current nuclear crisis in Japan is zero" (By Veronique de Rugy March 25, 2011). This quote from the article says it all that even if there was a risk it's not necessary to worry as much.                           Must point out that saying that quote will start up an argument. Which brings another reason to built a Power Plant i gave evidence that we should built one. It is also not an alternative for fossil fuel at all. Fossil fuel makes no difference then Power Plants combined. Don't let fear rule your decision to built the Nuclear Plant.  

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