Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Vitural Life~

            In the virtual world many opportunities can come across especially business. In the real world we as people would like to impress others and show successful lives. Although for that to actually work out is really hard to achieve. In the virtual world you somehow atomically feel accepted by others and build our "perfect" characteristics. We feel that the more you build up your character the more you feel pleased with yourself in a way. In the real life you feel pressured and not really accepted at all with society for instance school. Going to school is like a community it give you a chance to talk to your classmates and basically socialize but some aren't good at "socializing" at all.
                     That's why they go virtual world because somehow  they know their is a unknown community that will accept you gladly and warmly. There is someone or somewhere you can talk to nonstop to an unknown person or a person you known over the internet. The person who can't socialize in school or anywhere else goes to the internet and feel at ease and without hesitation talk to a person they know online. They rather prefer online life then there boring unexciting typical real life. Even though they never saw the person in real life they just feel safe it's a hard way to describe it.
               Besides that another point is when online can be a business! That bring millions of dollars like for example Facebook, Snap Chat, and Skype! That's where mostly ever teenager goes to  interact with others and have a great time including other online apps and websites that I haven't mention. Teenagers mostly go on these websites to not deal with problems in their lives and even though it's simply just 4 hours or 1 hour to them it feels like amazing way to escape at least for a few hours.                          
                          In my experience myself  going online and click away having fun not wanting to end. Although I must have to log off eventually doing my homework and such. Though this brings me people who can't be social at all due to illness or injury their at the hospital. Some patients want human contact but can't get it at all so their best way to communicate is by using social media.This bring my conclusion that the internet will keep growing and growing and we shall depend on it often.

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