Tuesday, May 26, 2015

How It Feels To Be a Twin!

                       For a long time I have been asked a lot of laughable yet serious questions surrounding on being a twin. For example one that comes out a lot is "Which is the oldest? and You guys fight at all?" I respond "No actually we don't" surprisingly it makes me wonder why they ask that specific question. Remembering this question and countless of others considering how it feels like to be a twin? or even simple like is it true you guys can read each others minds. Although I do suppose people ask these question because there curious while I just feel my twin is just a sister that I love so dearly to with any sibling would. True we do have a "special" bond to the fact we share everything with each other and dark secrets.                                                                                         
                                Honestly if me and my sister do get separated from a long distance like if she was at home and I was at school I go into "panic" mode. Wondering is she is okay? is she even wondering about me? and then I feel she is in danger even though I know she isn't at all! After all that I feel lonely so in a way we do have a special bond. Also the reactions we get with random strangers walking up the street to driving I remembered this one time we were walking to the bus stop and a random guy said "WOAH! You guys are twins?!? I thought I was high!" and went on his way to the opposite direction. Made us laugh hard another time another guy said "Oh cool! you guys are twins!" and simple smiled we just responded "yes we are" and went on our way laughing. Even people driving put the window down and a woman said if we were twins although it was in a red light.
                              Being a twin has it's up's and down's depending on the situation or topic you are in I enjoy them very much. Students also ask "You guys should switch classes one day!" we answer " No we might get in trouble.." all in all I'm very happy I have someone in my life someone who gets me and loves me no matter what also to share it with!